Chain link fence, Hexagonal Fence

Increase your fence safety with these 15 proven strategies!

Increase your fence safety

Are you looking to increase the security and longevity of the fence? If so, stay tuned! We’ve researched and compiled 15 proven strategies that can help increase the strength and overall safety of your fence. From choosing quality materials when installing your fence to introducing additional layers for added protection, we’ll cover all of these practical steps to ensure you get the most out of your investment. If you want to maximize the ability of your picket fence to protect the things that matter most to you—your family, your property, or your property—keep reading!

Increase your fence safety with these 15 proven strategies!

Solutions to increase the safety of the fence (chain link fence)
Fence security can be improved by considering several variables, including gauge. Gauge is a number that is determined to measure the thickness of the wire. The higher the gauge number, the thinner and weaker the strings. As such, it is recommended to choose a meter that offers the optimal balance between power and cost efficiency while providing maximum visibility. A fence with smaller gauge numbers will secure your property more effectively. However, it often carries a heavier financial burden that comes with thicker materials. With this information in mind, it’s easy to see how adjusting your chain link fence gauge can help you increase its security and protect your belongings.

Selvage is the process of weaving strands of wire into the top and bottom of a picket fence. This technique creates a secure, overclock-style cover that helps prevent intrusion and effectively increases the overall strength of your fence system. It also minimizes possible wear and tear caused by atmospheric factors or other external forces. Having these extra layers of protection can make a big difference, so if you want to increase the security of your fence, consider investing in selvage.

lower rail
The bottom rail is an additional layer of protection that strengthens your fence system. These sturdy metal rods are securely attached to posts or other support structures at the base of the fence. They act as an additional barrier that can help prevent potential intruders from accessing your property. When choosing a bottom rail for your picket fence, it’s important to choose one that matches the gauge of wire used in the fence system itself. This ensures maximum security and durability over time.

buried mesh
Installing a buried mesh is another effective way to strengthen the security of the mesh fence. This method involves burying a wire mesh in the ground, under your existing fence system. Doing so serves two main purposes: First, it adds an extra layer of protection that helps prevent would-be intruders from gaining access to your property. And second, it prevents animals or other unwanted guests from digging under your fence and entering your yard.

When filling the hole, make sure to keep the posts steady.
Open the fence and install a tension strip

Place the fence on the ground outside the fence.

Installing buried requires specialized tools and knowledge, so if you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, be sure to hire a professional.

Solutions to increase the security of the fence

Secure structure
The structure of the fence must be considered when evaluating the security of the fence system. If not properly secured, would-be intruders may find it easier to gain access to your property. To strengthen the structure of your fence, consider investing in heavier posts and additional support structures. These can provide an extra layer of security that helps make it more difficult for would-be intruders to enter your home or business.

Closer posts
Another way to improve the security of the fence is to install posts that are closer together. This ensures that the height and strength of your fence remains constant, making it more difficult for trespassers to climb or breach it. Additionally, having posts that are closer together also helps reduce the space between fence sections and can help prevent animals from entering or leaving the enclosure.

Steel fittings
The choice of steel fittings can also help improve the security of the chain link fence. Steel is much stronger than other materials and provides an additional layer of protection against possible penetration or damage from external forces. In addition, steel is more resistant to weathering and corrosion, making it an excellent choice for outdoor fencing systems.

Barbed wire and razor wire
To add an extra layer of security to your picket fence, consider installing barbed wire or razor wire on top of the structure. This helps create a large barrier that is difficult to climb or break through – a great deterrent to would-be intruders! Remember that barbed wire and razor wire can be dangerous, so it’s important to take all necessary safety precautions when installing them on your property.

Fence detection systems
Installing a fence detection system is another way to increase the security of your fence. These systems are designed to detect any intrusion attempts and alert you or your security team of any potential threats. This can be especially useful for businesses looking to increase the security of their premises and protect their property from theft or vandalism.

Different aperture
Using different diaphragm sizes in different parts of the fence can also help increase its overall security. Different height sizes create different barriers and make it harder for would-be intruders to access your property. Additionally, having different sized apertures can help hide weaknesses in the fence from view, making it more difficult for would-be intruders to identify areas they might be able to get into.

Lockable gate
Adding a lockable gate to your picket fence is another great way to increase its security. Installing a strong and heavy-duty locking system on the gates can help prevent unauthorized access and make it more difficult for intruders to enter the premises.

Security cameras
Installing security cameras around fences can also be a great way to deter potential intruders and increase the overall security of your property. The cameras act as an extra layer of protection, giving you a live view of any activity on site that can help you take action if necessary.

Taller fences
Another way to increase the security of the fence is to make it taller. Installing a fence higher than the standard height can help deter potential intruders, as they are less likely to attempt to climb a taller barrier.

Adding lighting around the fence can also help increase its security. Motion sensor lights are very useful as they detect any movement near the fence and help deter potential intruders. Additionally, installing lights in areas that are not easily accessible can also make it more difficult for people to gain access to your property without being seen.

Privacy bars
Finally, installing privacy strips on a chain link fence is another great way to increase its security. Slats help create an opaque barrier that cannot be seen through, making it much more difficult for would-be intruders to spot any weak spots in the fence or have a clear view of what’s on the other side.

By following these steps, you can significantly improve the security of your picket fence and make it much more difficult for would-be intruders to enter your property. In addition, these measures can also help provide a sense of safety and peace of mind, knowing that you have taken the necessary steps to protect your property from potential damage.

At vg industrial wire, we manufacture chain link fences. Our wire fence is designed to be durable and secure, making it an excellent choice for securing your property.

Increase your fence safety with these 15 proven strategies!

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